Global and Multicultural Engagement Building

Room Reservations

What is the Globe?

Primarily an office building; We also have program rooms and other spaces to help promote student engagement and interaction.

Who can reserve space?

FSU Registered Student Organizations (RSOs)s and FSU departments (for business purposes) ONLY

What spaces can be reserved?

An auditorium and 5 program rooms

What events are allowed?

The facilities at The Globe may be used for meetings, banquets, workshops, programs, presentations, etc., as long as no exchange of money is involved.

What events are not allowed?

Fundraisers, and any events for which any fee is charged to members, guests or the general public.

Book signing/selling

Date auctions, gambling events and raffles.

Personal events such as baby showers, birthdays, and retirement parties

How often?

Reservations are limited to one room per day, per organization/event.

Reservations for any space in the Globe shall not be longer than five (5) hours at a time, inclusive of set-up and clean-up time. Multiple room requests and all day events should be reserved at the Union.

Are there limits per semester?

To accommodate as many RSOs as possible, the following are the limits for reservation of facilities at the Globe by RSOs each semester.

  • Program Rooms: Twelve (12) times per semester per RSO
  • Auditorium: Two (2) times per semester per RSO

Is there a window for reservation?

Yes. Advance reservation windows start as stated below

FALL: For events taking place during the fall semester, space reservations may be requested no earlier than 9:00am on the first working Monday of August in the same year.

SPRING: Space reservations for the spring semester may be requested no earlier than 9:00am on the first working Monday of November in the preceding year.

SUMMER: Summer reservations may be submitted starting on the first Monday in April.

During the semester, reservations for program rooms need to be made at least 7 business days in advance of an event.

IMPORTANT: Submission of a reservation request form IS NOT a confirmation of space and does not guarantee space reservation.

Dining Room

Globe Dining Room

  • Globe Dining Room

    Globe Dining Room

  • Globe meeting room

    Globe meeting room

  • Globe Auditorium

    Globe Auditorium